Daria Tolmacheva
Animated Lineart Tool in Houdini
With the rising popularity of 2D stylisation in 3D animation the need for tools to assist artists in achieving the look they want in a short time frame rises rapidly. And with linework being a fundamental part of many different art styles, a versatile tool capable of helping to create it is a welcome addition to the pipeline. The idea of a tool that generates lineart in the form of a 3D curve from the geometry and camera supplied while allowing for fine artistic control and producing a natural look is inspired by Kismet developed by Sony Pictures Imageworks for their film Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse. Like Kismet, this project aims to leverage procedural nature of Houdini to create a tool which would generate convincing animated lineart. Unlike many existing methods of stylisation this solution provides versatility and comfortable user experience for the artist using it.
Thesis Master’s Project Report: Animated Lineart Tool in Houdini
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dariatolmacheva/ Email: daritolm@gmail.com