Position Based Dynamics for Character Effects
Thesis A Fluid Implicit Particle (FLIP) Sovler Built in Houdini
Abstract The following thesis presents the research and implementation of a Fluid Implicit Particle (FLUID). A literature review is included in order to highlight the most commonly used techniques for simulating fluids in the Visual Effects and Computer Graphics industries as well as critically analyse and compare them.
An Investigation into an Assortment of Flocking Algorithms
Prototyping a Custom 3D Printing Slicer
Path Planning for Natural Phenomena
OpenGL GPU Features and Fluid SPH
Melting Simulation with the Material Point Method
Thesis Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Abstract This paper discusses the implementation of a fluid solver which implements a version of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics approximations using the prediction relaxation scheme proposed by Clavet et al.
Thesis Flocking system mimicking fish school behaviours
Abstract In this thesis, a programmable flocking system was developed. The system is designed to emulate the movement patterns of fish in a body of water.
Multi-agent System with Artificial Intelligence
Fluid Simulation Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
Implementation of Artistic Curly Hair Dynamics in Houdini