
Lab 1 The Software build process

Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce the C++ software build process, this will include. Single file software build Using external libraries and package managers (vcpkg) Build Tools (make,cmake) Getting Started We will start this project in a new folder (here we are assuming using the windows powershell and developer console)

Lab 1 The Software build process

Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce the C++ software build process, this will include. Single file software build Using external libraries and package managers (vcpkg) Build Tools (make,cmake) Getting Started We will start this project in a new folder

Lab 2 Test Driven Development

Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce the process of TDD and develop some simple tests. Multi File Build and Project Setup Build Tools (cmake and make test) Using gtest and git Test Driven Design of a Simple RGBA structure Getting Started To start this project we are going to build a typical software project setup.

Lab 2 Test Driven Development

Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce the process of TDD and develop some simple tests. Multi File Build and Project Setup Build Tools (cmake and make test) Using gtest and git Test Driven Design of a Simple RGBA structure Getting Started To start this project we are going to build a typical software project setup.

Lab 3 An Image Class

Aims The aim of this lab is to continue our exploration of TDD in C++ by developing an Image Class Using GitHub Developing a Simple Image Class Writing Images with OpenImageIO Some simple Image Algorithms.

Lab 3 An Image Class

Aims The aim of this lab is to continue our exploration of TDD in C++ by developing an Image Class Configure GitHub for labs. Developing a Simple Image Class Writing Images with OpenImageIO Some simple Image Algorithms.

Lab 4 Diffusion Limited Aggregation

Aims The aim of this lab is to continue our exploration of TDD in C++ by developing a simulation of diffusion limited aggregation Introduction to DLA simulations Understand C++ 11 Random number classes #include Creating Image Sequences Using Command Line Arguments Introduction to DLA Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles undergoing a random walk due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates of such particles.

Lab 4 Diffusion Limited Aggregation

Aims The aim of this lab is to continue our exploration of TDD in C++ by developing a simulation of diffusion limited aggregation Introduction to DLA simulations Understand C++ 11 Random number classes #include Creating Image Sequences Using Command Line Arguments Introduction to DLA Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles undergoing a random walk due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates of such particles.

Lab 5 Introduction to Particle Systems

Aims The aim of this lab is to develop a simple particle system and write data to various file formats. We will then visualize the data using 3rd party tools

Lab 5 Introduction to Particle Systems

Aims The aim of this lab is to develop a simple particle system and write data to various file formats. We will then visualize the data using 3rd party tools

Lab 6 NGL Installation

Aims The Aim of this lab is to install NGL and try some demos programs Introduction to NGL Building NGL Building Demo Other Operating Systems Introduction to NGL NGL is the NCCA Graphics Library which has been used for teaching programming and graphics since 2003.

Lab 6 NGL Installation

Aims The Aim of this lab is to install NGL and try some demos programs Introduction to NGL Building NGL Building Demo Other Operating Systems Introduction to NGL NGL is the NCCA Graphics Library which has been used for teaching programming and graphics since 2003.

Eimear Crotty

Vulkan is a low-level graphics and compute API which aims to provide users with faster draw speeds by removing overhead from the driver. The user is expected to explicitly provide the details previously generated by the driver. The resulting extra code can be difficult to understand and taxing to write for beginners, leading to the need for a helper library.