
Lab 1 The Software build process

Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce the C++ software build process, this will include. Single file software build Using external libraries and package managers (vcpkg) Build Tools (make,cmake) Getting Started We will start this project in a new folder (here we are assuming using the windows powershell and developer console)

Lab 1 The Software build process

Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce the C++ software build process, this will include. Single file software build Using external libraries and package managers (vcpkg) Build Tools (make,cmake) Getting Started We will start this project in a new folder

Eimear Crotty

Vulkan is a low-level graphics and compute API which aims to provide users with faster draw speeds by removing overhead from the driver. The user is expected to explicitly provide the details previously generated by the driver. The resulting extra code can be difficult to understand and taxing to write for beginners, leading to the need for a helper library.