Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce some basic Linux commands and tools
The terminal and why it is important basic linux commands ls,pwd,mkdir,cd,rm,man,history. The environment and how to set it up Getting Started The first thing we need to do is to get a terminal open.
Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce some basic Linux commands and tools
The terminal and why it is important basic linux commands ls,pwd,mkdir,cd,rm,man,history. The environment and how to set it up Getting Started The first thing we need to do is to get a terminal open.
Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce more basic Linux commands and tools
Essential Linux Directories Most linux environments have a similar directory structure. The following is a list of the most important directories and their purpose.
Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce more basic Linux commands and tools
Essential Linux Directories Most linux environments have a similar directory structure. The following is a list of the most important directories and their purpose.
How to use the DCC specific versions of USD in the labs
Instructions for Building OpenUSD in the labs
A list of the Free Open Source Software Digital Content Creation tools installed in the linux labs.
On creating a simple schema for USD and then a plugin for python
This post explains how to create simple desktop icons in Linux to launch some of our DCC tools.
This post explains Jon's .bashrc
using cwrsync in the windows labs to copy work to and from the linux machines.
some basic instructions for using Pixar's USD in the labs
using ssh and scp to work remotely with the linux labs.
some basic instructions for setting up WSL and the Windows Terminal for programming
Some tips on using our remote linux solution.