
Aslan Saparov

This thesis report documents the terrain generation, the research on different methods and techniques possible to generate a terrain as well as the implementation of it in this project.

Matthew Stanton

A tool for Maya which can be loaded as a plugin and allows for the easy creation of jhumkas in Maya.

Tang Yeh

This project creates shadow effects with Houdini Digital Assets (HDA). The aim is to generate shadow geometries on given models and eventually consume it entirely. Shadow geometries are created by the first HDA, users could select different patterns and manipulate the parameters to create a variety of looks. The second HDA generates particles that create the consuming effect on the given model and swirl decomposing effects after consumption.

Caoimhe McCarthy

This pproject demonstrates the generation of a Houdini Digital Asset for ivy growth. This procedural tool can generate a variety of different scenes based on user defined parameter values. The ivy is generated using a sort of particle based method first introduced in 1985 by Reeves and Blau (1985). Using this as the basis for the growth algorithm, the HDA also simulates external tropisms such as gravitropism and phototropism. Along with the ability to automatically generate ivy, this tool allows the user the more stylistic approach of drawing ivy directly onto the environment geometry. This highly art-directable procedural tool demonstrates an easy way to generate climbing ivy.

Adam Gritt

Procedural Fish Animation using Maya API

Chaitanya Kapu

Procedural generation of Bridges and Tunnels